My Kids can Speak Two Languages

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I have read in a book about Child Development a long long time ago that the best age to teach children to speak many languages is the age of 2-3. I have always believed in that since we know children can absorb things like a sponge.

My kids primary language is English. But I do speak to them in Cebuano or Bisaya and Mark speaks to them in Tagalog. So far, Alyssa, 3, my eldest who can now communicate really well speaks in these languages. Allen, 2, has some Cebuano and Tagalog words. Mark and I don't speak another foreign language except English. So, we supplied them with videos that can teach them at least words from other languages like Dora the Explorer that introduces Spanish words. Another program that introduces foreign words is Little Einstein, a programme from Disney.

In Yahoo News, I found this article and I found out there's more on Unraveling how Children Can Become More Bilingual Easily. Read On.


Unknown said...

Hmmm, Im here again...hopping on your two blogs ! Hopefully I could comment on this one.

Nutdoc said...

Hello Mel, I'm glad you just did. :) Thanks for dropping by. I was actually working on it and I messed up with my html codes so I tried another template. And this is it.

Bleeding stone.. said...

I agree with this completely. My kids are unfortunately having a hard time understanding Bisaya, only a few words. But they are interested to learn, hopefully that interest doesn't fade away!

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